Quick Spritzer

While we all love a fancy cocktail, sometimes you just don’t have the time or energy to make an infused simple syrup followed by the muddling of botanicals and oh darn you are out of that esoteric liqueur made in an ascetic religious order somewhere in Europe. Okay, I’m being snarky, but the old standbys of gin-and-tonic and rum-and-cola exist for a reason — sometimes you just want a simple drink.

So on a whim, I picked up a couple of cans of these San Pellegrino Sparkling Fruit Beverages from my local grocery store. I drank my first one straight out of the can, ice cold, and my first thought was — this would make a FINE adult beverage. I gave the CGP a taste and he had the same reaction!


So with simplicity in mind, I did the testing for you and found the right proportions for using the Blood Orange and Limonata sparkling soft drinks from San Pelligrino.

Blood Orange Spritzer

3 parts San Pelligrino Blood Orange Sparkling Fruit Beverage
1 part vodka (I used 100 proof)

Fill a large glass to the brim with ice. Add the sparkling drink and the vodka. Stir gently to combine. Consume.

Limonata Spritzer

2 parts San Pelligrino Limonata Sparkling Fruit Beverage
1 part vodka (I used 100 proof)

Fill a large glass to the brim with ice. Add the sparkling drink and the vodka. Stir gently to combine. Consume.


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